Relieve pain and promote wound healing

A young blonde woman in sportswear lies on a couch and receives a medical massage in the shoulder area.

Relieve pain

25 minutes, CHF 75.–

Dry needling is an effective supplement to manual trigger point therapy. A thin hypodermic needle without any medication is inserted with great precision into the trigger point that is causing the patient’s symptoms. This relieves muscle tension, improves circulation to the problem areas and reduces inflammation. Dry needling is used in the treatment of pain syndromes, sports physiotherapy and orthopaedic rehabilitation.

50 minutes, CHF 150.–

In manual therapy, the focus is on maintaining or restoring essential bodily functions. Manual therapy helps to improve mobility in the joints, connective tissues and skeletal muscles by mobilising the joints and the surrounding musculature in a targeted way.

Promote wound healing

50 minutes, CHF 150.–

Human Tecar® therapy uses a unique technology in which thermal and non-thermal currents are applied to the body. The treatment helps to support and accelerate the body’s natural reactions in the tissues through microcirculation, vessel-widening and increased temperature. This form of therapy complements and enhances the benefits of manual treatment by the physiotherapist. The technology is used both in high-performance sport and in general rehabilitation.

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